Wednesday, 22 May 2013

The boyfriend strikes back...

I've come to visit Harriet in Cardiff for the night as she is undergoing her final exams and I've already finished for the summer! Yay!. I'm Chris btw, the undermentioned BF. Nice to meet you!
  I'm afraid if your expecting a post on make up or other girly things, then the next couple of minutes are going to be a bit of a disappointment.  Harriet, the enthusiast that she is, decided we needed to guest blog each other. Brilliant I thought. Ten minutes later she had dished the dirt on my blog, almost as if she had it all planned out (#suspicious). Predictably, now I've been put on the spot to be a guest on her blog. Regardless of the niché blog she is going for, I feel a little bit like a fish out of water, as I don't have a ruddy clue what to write about or whether anyone cares to be honest. 

Either way I'm going to do the predictable thing and dish the dirt out on Harriet. Well not necessarily dirt, but a few observations. She comes across too nicely on this blog...:
  1. She doesn't know her left and rights: This proves problematic when we go on road trips as to her, right means left and left means right! Exactly, see what I'm working with here. It gets beyond the stage of cuteness when it happens all the time. But you will be pleased to know I can now translate what she actually means, so to avoid me getting grump. 
  2. She loves make-up: If you're reading this and its new news to you, then your an idiot. This blog is about make-up and things! Yes every girl needs a passion, but when a trip into town revolves around trekking through Boots, Debenhams and the newest addition, John Lewis, then it starts getting tedious. Surely there's only so much stuff you can buy? right? Oh how wrong I was. Foundations, bronzers, pallets, brushes, different brands, the list goes on and on and on and on. In the end it's easier for me to say I'll treat her to one, just so it speeds things up. Although I don't mind treating her every now and again. (I'm a BF with good intentions and I'm also trying to save my bacon when she reads this back, eeeeeek). The only problem is, once you go so far for a girl, the next time they will expect more. It's a slope that's descent keeps getting steeper aka its a slippery slope.
  3. She wants to travel the world, I want to go on a normal holiday: Yes travelling the world is fun but I personally like to go somewhere hot, sit by a the beach or pool, drink nice cocktails and live the dream (A bit like the guy on the Euro millions advert, Hector Riva!). Although we do plan to travel America, we want to go New York, FUN!
  4. She likes me coming to stay in Cardiff but..: The second I arrive, put my bags on the floor and sit on the bed, the place immediately becomes 'untidy'. Give it a rest. It's not untidy, there's just more stuff in the room. This is an argument I will never win. 
  5. My 21st Birthday: So on my birthday I decided it would be fun to have a night out, lets say I enjoyed myself! When we got home, I didn't want the night to end to I thought it would be fun to spend half the night being sick down the sink in my room. In the process I smashed part of her Naked make up pallet, I have never been forgiven since. Women do not forget, Fact!
There's a few things about Harriet, or Haz as I call her, or Baz as me and my uni flatmate call her, that you didn't know before. If anything its made me realise how tolerant I am, although no doubt I'll be told otherwise. 

Anyway If you liked what you read or want to know if I'm a complete ass, then visit!

That is all for now.


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