Tuesday, 28 May 2013

"Would you rather..." Beauty Edition

Guten Tag, 

I spotted this little Tag somewhere on the Blogosphere yesterday and thought I would give it a go! Posts might be a bit short or lacking this week as I have my 3 final exams so I predict next week to be a bit crazy. Now that the admin is out the way then lets proceed:

Monday, 27 May 2013



The Rainbow Tag is a recent tag going around You Tube and blogs where you pick your favourite beauty item from each colour of the rainbow (plus pink and multicoloured thrown in for good measure!). So I thought I would give it a to although some have definitely proved more tricky than others (yeah I mean you indigo and violet):

Saturday, 25 May 2013

L'Oreal Extraordinary Oil


A new happy edition to my life is the recently released L'Oreal Elvive Extra Ordinary Oil, I think it a great product that would work well for everybody so I thought I would give it a little review.

Thursday, 23 May 2013

My Summer

I am so excited for this summer, I have the most amazing plans and I thought I would share with you a few of the things I will be getting up to.

Wednesday, 22 May 2013

RealTechniques goodies!


So yesterday I had my first exam (eek!) and then Chris came up for a little revision break. As usual we went shopping, it seems we do nothing else! I spotted these little beauties in Boots, and got very excited as I know they were on the way but hadn't realised they were released yet. As a Real Techniques junkie I was desperate for them however my measly student budget struggles to accommodate my spending habits so I decided for once to have a bit of self control. I then proceeded to complain about the fact I hadn't got them for the rest of the afternoon until Chris got fed up of listening to me and decided to treat me, what an angel. So anyway, after that long and pointless story I will tell you a bit more about them:

Real Techniques Duo-Fibre Collection

The boyfriend strikes back...

I've come to visit Harriet in Cardiff for the night as she is undergoing her final exams and I've already finished for the summer! Yay!. I'm Chris btw, the undermentioned BF. Nice to meet you!
  I'm afraid if your expecting a post on make up or other girly things, then the next couple of minutes are going to be a bit of a disappointment.  Harriet, the enthusiast that she is, decided we needed to guest blog each other. Brilliant I thought. Ten minutes later she had dished the dirt on my blog, almost as if she had it all planned out (#suspicious). Predictably, now I've been put on the spot to be a guest on her blog. Regardless of the niché blog she is going for, I feel a little bit like a fish out of water, as I don't have a ruddy clue what to write about or whether anyone cares to be honest. 

Sunday, 19 May 2013

Keep Your Head Up...


(Couldn't choose between them, so have two!)

Everyone needs a motto in life and due to recent events I have decided this will be mine. Forever. 

Saturday, 18 May 2013

Top 10 Make Up Must Haves


I'm always one for trying out new products, brands, colours and formulas (especially when there's a good deal around!) but there are a few staple products I constantly go back to and would always repurchase. Here's my top 10:

Friday, 17 May 2013

Bonjour Blogging World!

Hello there!

I've had this blog set up for a good month now and have since, due to general disorganisation and silliness, not done anything more about it. But today I thought I would seize the day ('carpe diem' and all that stuff) and get going. This is mostly because I have been sat learning about the Nazis all day and quite frankly, I'm bored!
'Learning about the Nazis!?' I hear you say! I'm not an odd one, I'm currently right in the middle of my final exams for my degree in History and Ancient History from Cardiff University. Recently I have become all work and no play and as a result have become a pretty dull person so I thought a blog would be a grand old distraction. I spend most of my day on other people's blog so why not use up even more time and create my own.
Over the last 6 moths or so I have become very 'into' this whole blogging/You Tubing lark and thought it was time I give it a bash and make my own contribution. My favourite favourite blogs and You Tubers are Tanya Burr, Zoella, Fleurdeforce, Sprinkle of Glitter, Essie Button, MissGlamorazzi and PixiWoo among many others (I'm afraid I'm not yet clever enough to add links and fancy stuff but have a google and you will like what you find).
So yes, this is my blog, maybe one day I will be brave enough to branch into the big scary world of You Tube but for now I shall express my ponderings about make up, fashion, life and general stuff on this here blog.

Thanks for stopping by, toodlepip!
Harriet x